Friday, December 16, 2011

November 2011 Convention Report

We are getting our blog started again. As soon as we get this link passed around and get some things on it, we will get it attached to the GSN website.

Our November event was very successful, with 97% of all talent receiving callbacks.Congrats to all of you who attended; you did so well.

Overall Female Model of the Year: Maggie Jablonski, I & I Agency

Overall Male Model of the Year: Clay Johnson, Wilhelmina of PA

Overall Child Model of the Year: Sada Davidson, David John Talent Machine

Overall Female Actor of the Year: Lindsey Zachariasen, Jules Model & Talent

Overall Male Actor of the Year: Alexander Devereux, David John Talent Machine

Overall Child Actor of the Year: Bella Gill, Talent Fusion

Overall Talent of the Year: Hannah Thomason, Talent Fusion

Congratulations to ALL of our overall winners. Your hard work and preparation was very apparent.

To all of our amazing mother agents: YOU ROCK!!!! Kids, don't forget to thank them AND your supportive parents. You would not be this far along without BOTH of them.